Roy Horan on training with Hwang Jan-Lee

In martial arts movies, kicks have always been the most spectacular element of fight scenes. And many movie fighters have mastered this skill at a high enough level to impress even the most sophisticated viewer. But only one of them has deservedly held the title of "king of kickers" for half a century. This is the unrivaled South Korean grandmaster of taekwondo. Hwang Jan-lee.

At one time, he was a hallmark of quality for kung fu films, superbly playing colorful villains with martial arts skills. For one of these roles in the film "Secret rivals” Hwang was long known as the "Silver Fox," but his most apt nickname was "Thunderfoot," which was the nickname given to his character who beat up Jackie Chan in "Drunken master” . Because the lightning-fast, technical and spectacular kicks of Hwang Jan-Lee have become a separate art, and a symbol of the highest skill.

A separate educational documentary film was even made about this, called "The art of powerful kicks” , in which Master Hwang demonstrates the techniques behind his repertoire of movements.

In addition to film, the "king of kickers" was involved in teaching martial arts since his military service, and one of his famous students was late Roy Horan. Below is an excerpt from Horan's interview on the topic of training with Jan-Li.

Excerpt from Roy Horan interview: training with Hwang Jang Lee

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