Review of the film New Age Vampire Warriors

This is a movie Dennis Lau, then you know what we're talking about! Lengthy script, inept direction and a lot of wasted potential. Recommended for viewing by pathologically inquisitive people or hopeless masochists.

After watching “Vampire Warriors of a New Age” (New Age Vampire Warriors) almost no one doubts that the writer/director/developer Dennis Lau (Dennis Law) turned into something so-so Ed Wood contemporary Hong Kong cinema. Being the only leader (Lau is engaged in financing, script writing, production and directing) on ​​the set of his films, Lau There is no one to blame but himself when it comes to the dismal quality of his creations.

“Vampire Warriors”, the latest “film masterpiece” Lau, this is an attempt to create a franchise like "Twilight", which would sell well both in Hong Kong and in foreign film markets. And he has a lot in store for the typical Western fan: there are vampires who wield kung Fu, vampires dressed in skin-tight leather suits, and there's even a hint of lesbian romance.

Review of the film New Age Vampire Warriors

However, what these fans didn’t need was shoddy direction. Lau, which only matches his absurd and incredibly weak script. “Vampire Warriors” this is a story about an uneasy friendship between a vampire hunter Ar (Jiang Lu Xia) and the family of “vegetarian vampires”, including Max (Chrissy Chau) and her slutty father Lunga (Chin Siu Ho).

Ar spends his days hunting for bad vampires, and at the same time Max wanders aimlessly around the city with his good vampire friends, complaining of boredom. Everything changes with the advent Munga (Yuen Wa), a vampire who kills his own kind to become more powerful (again - twenty-five). When Ar finds out that Mung took her sister with him (favorite Lau - Pinky Chun), she joins an army of “vegetarian vampires” to fight their common enemy.

At first glance, the plot may seem adequate, but nothing actually happens until halfway through the film. First part of the script Lau stuffed with stories about the boring life of “vegetarian vampires”, vampire hunters eating Chinese vegetarian food, and Chrissie Chau, sucking from time to time a soft toy rabbit. Unlike other “bad” directors of Hong Kong cinema, Lau, must be taking his directing seriously (for him, filming is a hobby), but that's no excuse for the fact that his crew didn't even care about their lead actress sucking non-existent blood from a toy rabbit.

Review of the film New Age Vampire Warriors

Despite the fact that in the choreography of fights Nikki Lee ropes/wires were used almost everywhere and his work can be regarded as quite impressive for a production of this scale, all efforts Lee went down the drain because of dominance Lau. It looks like the supporting cast wasn't used to their full potential. Jiang Lu Xia, as a fighter, deserves more than just work for Lau, Chin Siu Ho, if B-movies are anything to go by, has real charisma, but he doesn't manage to show off what he's capable of. The last acting work Chrissie Chau, the upside-down hanging scene, was so widely publicized that its current performance can simply be ignored.

Watch movie Dennis Lau worth it just to satisfy your curiosity to find out how bad it is Lau as a director. Very few directors can make terrible movies with such consistency as this one did. Lau, having shot eight full-length films. And this makes watching his films a potentially entertaining experience.

However, I will agree that “Vampire Warriors” are of some value, since it is quite interesting to see such attempts at making commercial films outside the walls of a film school, not to mention in local cinemas. However, this value may vary depending on different conditions. For example, do you have friends who have the patience to sit with you until the end of the session. If you have any, treat them as a real treasure for the rest of your life.

Ironically, the film's key message Lau is that every person must find a purpose in their life, or risk living aimlessly, as vampires did. I think Mister Lau can rest assured that after watching his film, this message has reached many people and they will do at least something worthwhile with their lives. Regardless of what this worthwhile item is, it will most likely provide more value than watching it again “Vampire Warriors”.

Author: Kevin Ma
Translation: EvilDollaR

3 comment

    Author's gravatar

    they crap the film to put it mildly))) although it seems to me from the poster that everything is clear right away)

      Author's gravatar

      There is such a thing. But I would look, as the author (Kevin) said, purely out of curiosity, what Deniska filmed there. %)

      If we talk about Jiang Lu Xia, then she is capable of a lot, but the directors just need to add creativity, otherwise in the same “Feud” the number of sidekicks exceeded all reasonable limits. The situation was better in Coveba, but the film was helped by the presence of Kane Kosugi and the hint that it would be a Chinese Chocolate.

      “Jiang Lu Xia, while tickets are cheaper, fly to Thailand!” (c) EvilDollaR ;)

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