News about Tim Man

 I have no doubt that most visitors to the site have already watched the Thai action movie “Furious Phoenix,” which was released in August 2009. I am also sure that many people remember the interesting fight at the end of the film - a clash of two styles - drunken Thai boxing (mayrayut) and the Chinese “drunken fist”. The most inquisitive and observant viewers also could not help but notice the cameo appearance of the Swedish fighter Tim Man in two short episodes.

You ask me: what is the connection between Tim Man and the fight in the cave? It would seem like nothing... But, in fact, everything was a little different.

Initially, Tim Manu was given a larger role. It was the Swedish fighter, and not the Frenchman Hoang Nghi (world champion in taekwondo and Jet Li's understudy), who was supposed to fight in the final with the main character Jija Yanin, using a “drunk fist”. But a misfortune happened. During one of the rehearsals for “The Furious Phoenix,” the actor broke his ankle after a bad landing and had to give up the role. The footage filmed before the injury was not cut and ended up in the film.

After recovering, Tim Man was asked to be one of five judges at a parkour/freerunning competition held in late August in Helsingborg, Sweden.

And at the end of October, work began on the new Swedish film “SKILLS”, in which Tim Man began staging stunts and filming fights. It's an action movie in which the main character, freerunner Calvin (Marcus Zirken Gustafson), finds himself drawn into an illegal underground game. In addition to the director's chair, Tim got the role of Calvin's friend named Monk, who runs a gym for local boys. The film will be released in 2010.

Despite his general busy schedule and long training sessions, Tim Man starred in several commercials, comedy programs, the comedy film “Kommisarie Spack”, in which he was a stuntman, as well as several other projects, information about which is currently prohibited from being disclosed. :)

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