Interview with Jawed El Berni. Part two

Who would you most like to work with and why?

Javed El Berni: Just finished filming a Hollywood movie called In Exile with Hayden Christensen and Nicolas Cage. On screen, I'll be fighting one-on-one with Christensen. The film was directed by Nick Powell, who worked behind the scenes on Resident Evil: Into Darkness, The Bourne Identity and The Last Samurai. I always liked Nicolas Cage, it was nice to be on the same set with him. But when it comes to martial arts films, I would primarily think of Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Sammo Hung, Donnie Yen... although, to be honest, I'm also excited about the projects I'm working on now. These do not have to be famous personalities, the main thing is that people are masters of their craft!

What type of training is typical for you? It's mostly martial arts, stretching, learning something new, maybe gymnastics?

Javed El Berni: Currently I am training with Hollywood stuntmen (self-defense, weapons, hand-to-hand combat). I often do parkour, perform endurance exercises, etc. Every time I alternate training: boxing, kickboxing, punching bag, shadow boxing, etc. Sometimes I practice Wing Chun (chi sao / sticky hands). In parkour I work on the basics, accuracy, coordination and balance. If I need to “pump up” for filming, then I do strength exercises. If you need speed, then the approach to training changes a little. Core exercises: you need to strengthen your core, everything is interconnected. To make long jumps, you need to have a strong core and legs. We need to improve ourselves in order, for example, to be able to do everything that is asked on the set. Overall, don't limit yourself, do your best to grow your skills, and don't forget to adapt.

What is your favorite exercise, and what specific or specific training methods work best for you?

Javed El Berni: Usually, when I train, I try to take on things that can improve my fighting skills. I really like parkour, which is all about control and balance. From time to time it is useful to face your fear and accomplish something that at first glance seemed impossible. Physical condition helps improve proper breathing, and I also have separate exercises for these purposes.

What was your most dangerous stunt?

Javed El Berni: Jump from balcony to balcony followed by somersault forward. It was a risky stunt, there was a mat there for safety reasons, but I was confident that I could handle it. In Malaysia about a year ago I had to run through glass. In the film "Ek Tha Tiger", he performed a number of jumps, and in one of them, he sprained his ankle when he landed on a moving pickup truck. Other tricks are usually safer. I can take risks, but for this I need to carefully calculate everything. If you know how to control your body and are confident in yourself, then almost all the risk is eliminated!

What was your most serious injury and how did it affect your work?

Javed El Berni: Sprained ankle in Indian film "Ek Tha Tiger"! Although I always try to approach a trick prepared, when you are tired, trying something new and not fully focused, incidents like this can happen! In general, so far I have been lucky and there have been no security problems! Watch your body. If any limb is swollen or broken, then use only minimal stress on it, you need to rest or use other available parts of the body without moving the injured limb: apply ice to it, let it rest and simply take all reasonable precautions. Take care of your body and take care of it. I don’t think that the phrase “no pain, no gain” is a truism. It can be guided up to a certain point, but I am confident that success can be achieved not only without injury, but also without excessive effort. You need to approach your work wisely, you need to calculate the limits of your own psychological and physical capabilities and expand them, if there is such a desire. Listen to your body. If it no longer listens to you, then just rest, stick to your diet and sleep - in a day or two you will return with renewed vigor!

What do you like to do to relax and recover after long periods of heavy exercise? What can you recommend to those who lead a physically active lifestyle?

Javed El Berni: Stretching! I love being in nature, in parks, among trees, and traveling. At times I just immerse myself in myself. Sitting in the park and meditating, you feel like a part of nature, you feel how your body and mind are charged with energy. Even though I grew up in a city where there was little greenery, I think that you need to relax in nature. The mind needs something new to keep it fresh and not stale. You shouldn’t do anything extravagant, etc., you just need to listen to yourself and the environment. This may sound somewhat abstract and spiritual, but it is part of my lifestyle and there is nothing complicated about it - thanks to this, I continue to do what I love and maintain spiritual balance!

What diet do you follow? What food makes you feel the most energetic?

Javed El Berni: I don’t have any fixed diet, I just eat when I have to! I am constantly absorbed in work, sometimes I even forget to eat! I don’t eat a lot of fatty foods, I consume white rice only in moderation, and I don’t drink alcohol or soda. I’m wary of chicken because these days you can’t guess what the animal was fed or how it was prepared! At one time, after jumping on concrete, my tendons became thicker. The recovery was taking too long and I thought I should change my diet. I started abstaining from sugar and dairy, tried not to snack, and only ate when I really felt hungry. I ate a lot of vegetables and meats that were low in fat and cholesterol, and after three weeks the pain was gone! The fatigue has passed, the wounds have healed. As for drinks, I drink water, tea, sometimes coffee, and natural juices, as far as possible. I don’t drink milk because I think our body doesn’t absorb it well! I also eat dark chocolate from time to time, rest, drink water, do breathing exercises, and warm up.

Do you have any passion that no one knows about?

Javed El Berni: I don't think I'm particularly obsessed with anything, but if we take film editing, I have a couple of specials in stock. lotions!

If you had the opportunity to become a superhero, who would you be? What superpowers would you like to have?

Javed El Berni: What a question! Well, I wouldn’t want to be Superman, it would be a bit boring, but, in principle, I wouldn’t give up the ability to fly. I like watching films about Batman and Spider-Man.

How do you like to relax? Do you have any hobbies?

Javed El Berni: I love being on set, relaxing, spending time with my family, talking about something interesting with friends. Read books and articles, share videos online, watch movies, go to the cinema. I love poker too! Believe it or not, I have won several poker tournaments in the past. I think poker is 10% luck, and the rest is pure psychological observation. I always find a connection between the philosophy of martial arts and everyday things, and I share the aspirations of those around me. I like to gather like-minded people to work on an idea or project. For example, I teach people martial arts and parkour, I like to motivate people, facilitate their personal transformation so that their strengths outshine their weaknesses.

What do you hate?

Javed El Berni: In principle, I am against all types of violence if it is directed against people, animals and nature in general.

Who or what are you most grateful for in life?

Javed El Berni: I would say that the main thing I already received from my parents: I got an education and learned to be dedicated. Despite all the difficulties I've had in the past, I'm glad I went through this journey and I'm happy with what I've been able to achieve in martial arts and film (though there's still a lot to come). Sometimes some people told me that I was dreaming too much, and that my dreams could remain dreams, and when I grow up, I will have to face reality. Now I have proven them wrong. My dreams have become reality. I am pleased that I still remain true to my vision of things, I am grateful to nature for giving me health...

What would you like to achieve in the next five years?

Javed El Berni: Now I am trying to gradually implement my plans. I am happy that I had the chance to meet and work with wonderful people related to the film industry. Some are recognized by sight, some work behind the scenes. I want to be consistent and further develop my existing skills. I would like to continue working on interesting projects together with hardworking, creative and talented people!

What advice would you give to beginners who want to take up martial arts?

Javed El Berni: Know how to listen, listen to everything! Learn to imagine your plans in advance, this has often helped me. I imagined myself performing some kind of movement or technique, and first honed it in my mind (be it martial arts, acrobatics or parkour). In your thoughts, bring it to perfection, then do it for real, repeat and achieve the same perfect execution that you previously achieved in your mind. Be patient and don't give up, even if you don't see quick results. If at any point you get stuck and feel like you can't get any better, change your position, change your technique, re-calculate your timing and/or go back to the basics. The key thing is persistence. With it you can achieve success in almost every field.

What wish would you like to share with Kung-fu Kingdom readers and your fans around the world?

Javed El Berni: I sincerely want to thank everyone who is reading this interview on Kung-fu Kingdom! No matter how significant your project is, devote yourself entirely to it and do not hesitate to realize your ideas and desires! For fans of action and martial arts films, I recommend watching Ninja 2. I really hope that you will like it, because a team of people dedicated to their work worked on it, there was high-quality direction and choreography, we tried our best and gave it our all!

What statement/quote made you who you are today?

Javed El Berni: Here is one timeless saying: “If you think about something that it is impossible, then you thereby make it impossible.”

Javed, thank you for your kind participation in this interview. We all wish you success with Ninja 2 and success in your future projects. See you later!

Javed El Berni: Thank you, Raj! It was very nice to talk with you. Of course, we'll see you again!

Author: Raj Khedun
Translation: EvilDollaR
Thanks for the link Celpaso



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    The coolness of this photo is off the charts.

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    Thanks for the interview.

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    HOORAY!!!! Thanks for the interview)

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