Two trailers for the action movie Yamada: The Samurai Of Ayothaya

The film vaguely resembles the plot "The Last Samurai", but in this case the samurai ends up with the Thais, who teach him their martial culture. The role of a historical character by name Yamada Nagamasa, who became the governor of one of the provinces in southern Thailand at the beginning of the 17th century, plays Seiji Ozeki (Seigi Ozeki), and a hand-to-hand combat expert - two-time world champion in K-1 fighting Buakhau Po. Pramuk (Buakaw Por. Pramuk). Starring: Sorapong Chatri, Vinay Kraibutr, Buakaw Banchamek, Thanavut Kessaro.

UPDATE: Added 3rd final trailer

Brief description of the plot:

Yamada Nagamasa, a young samurai of the Edo era, became a volunteer soldier in a Japanese regiment stationed in Ayotaya (Ayuthaya). He fought against a group of Japanese led by Kuroda Toranaga who disguised themselves as Hongsawadi soldiers, causing a lot of trouble in Ayotaya. Yamada was seriously wounded, but he was helped by a detachment of Thai warriors, whose members later became his best friends.

Yamada was brought to a monk who knew spells and talismans, and he, providing refuge, shared his knowledge of Thai boxing. Later, Yamada and his friends went through a qualifying fighting round, which selected talented fighters for the Royal Guard of King Naresuan the Great, who proclaimed the independence of Ayotaya from Hongsawadi. Yamada and his friends fought bravely against their enemies, and this might please the King. However, he never forgot about the revenge of Kuroda, who discredited the honor of the Japanese. Finally, he had the opportunity to kill his enemy, but only at the cost of the lives of his friends.

Deeply grateful to the kindness of King Ayotaya and the friendship of the people of Siam, the young samurai realized: although he was not born on this land, only here can he find peace of mind.

Trailer #1

Trailer #2

Trailer #3


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    when will it appear online?

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    I can't wait for this movie! Sanya, please let me know when it comes out.

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      Lyosh, no question. I’ll dedicate a separate piece of news to this because the film will be worthy.

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    Yes, - beech fire, I advise people to just watch at least a couple of his fights or just watch HL to know what kind of fighter he is and what he can do)!

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    Very cool trailers! :) But I don’t understand: is the film already OUT, or are we still waiting????

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      While we wait.

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    Oh, Buakaw is acting in a movie! So this is absolutely gorgeous! This is not Tony Ja, but a real fighter with a capital F! For those who haven’t even heard of him, I sympathize with you!
    I'm looking forward to it!!!

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    I downloaded and watched Khon Tai Ting Paen Din, a Korean film about love and folk motifs. A fantasy love saga with a serial touch. As such, there are no noteworthy fights. There he waved a saber, then he waved a sword, he shot an arrow from a bow and that’s it. According to Korean TV ,probably broadcast every day from dusk to dawn =)

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    I think the DVD will be out only at the end of next year.

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    The video is wonderful.
    I hope the movie won't be worse.
    I look forward to it.
    But no one has downloaded or watched this film yet from the latest Thai:
    Khon Tai Ting Paen Din
    Khon Tai Ting Paen Din

    It seems like it should be interesting too...

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      wesker, if there is a link in a comment, it is automatically subject to moderation.

      PS I see that the guy from "Pahyuut" is starring, Ten Thanakorn, sort of...

    Author's gravatar

    Thank you, protvin. ;)

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    According to the trailer, an awesome movie is planned! True, I was also confused by accelerations in fights.... they stupidly spoil everything and are not needed there. I hope it will be fixed for release.
    Overall, this will probably be my most anticipated film now)

    For the information and for the site as a whole - great respect! Now I'm a frequent visitor here)

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    I would also like to find out what kind of mustachioed guy is in the film, he appears in all the training scenes, EvilDollaR maybe you know the name of this actor? (What are you, what kind of copyright was not even in your thoughts)

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      As far as I understand, this is Pramuk, only with a mustache. :)

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    Jason, before publishing the news, I looked at dozens of sites about Buakawa...

    You can, of course, publish his bio here, but why repeat it if his biography is already on many sites? But I don’t want and won’t “copypaste” someone.

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    Wow, these are the tapes that need to be removed =)
    The first video in the TOP trailers of the year is indicative!
    Regarding the fact that everyone expected this from Tony Ja, yes, perhaps they did. But Tony has completely different moods in his soul, as the third part of Ong Bak shows in Thailand and India. I am sure that the third part of Ong Bak was received wonderfully and was most likely filmed for his people Initially, there is no point in reproaching Jha, he filmed what his spiritual mentors apparently asked him to do. In the trailers of Yamada: The Samurai Of Ayothaya, we see a completely different mood, working for the viewer entirely, wonderful daytime training scenes showing the combat system in all its glory (by the way, what is demonstrated in this film, what style exactly?). These are the films that fight directors in The Expendables Jon Valera, Jonathan Eusebio and Chad Stahelski need to watch before getting to work, watching and blushing for their double work! !!
    EvilDollaR, found it information о Buakaw Por. Pramuk

    as it turns out, he is quite a famous person. Please, if you have time, translate information about him, I would like to know his biography.
    Of course, there are also disadvantages in this film, the notorious scenes at night. Judging by the trailer, you can’t make out anything in them and the camera there will be very fast (I remember with horror the night scenes with samurai and ninjas in films such as “The Last Samurai” and “Ninja Assassin” top how to disfigure the tapes) I would like this to not happen in this tape.

    Author's gravatar

    Great! when will it come out?

      Author's gravatar

      Great! when will it come out?

      I don’t know the exact date, but I know that the film has already been shot and post-production is underway.

    Author's gravatar

    Looks good, I'll definitely watch it when it comes out. :)

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    I hope the acceleration will be removed in the film, I’ve seen this before.

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    Please. ;)
    They overuse acceleration a bit, but it looks nice. I'm looking forward to it.

    Author's gravatar

    Alternative Ong Bak 3 :) :) :)
    It seems that Assice Ci flashed through the jungle.
    Thanks for the news.

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