TOP 10 movie shootouts shot in one shot

Hello friends! FFI is with you and we continue to review action scenes shot in one long shot or with simulated one-shot shooting. Last time we told you about one-shot fights, the link to these episodes will be under this video. And this time we'll look at the scenes shootout shot in one shot.

At the moment, this technique has become very popular and fashionable, directors are resorting to it more and more, but we will approach the issue retrospectively and show you both relatively recent scenes and scenes from 30 years ago that have not lost their relevance to this day .

We will evaluate not only the complexity of the production and the duration of the scene, but also the originality of the approach and dramaturgy. In short, we’ll tell you and show you everything!


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    Re-uploaded the video to the channel after it was deleted.

      Author's gravatar

      And yet, I don’t see it on the channel, but here I see this:

      Video not available
      It contains content from partner NBC Universal. He blocked the video in your country due to copyright infringement.

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        Hmm... So the video hasn't passed copyright check yet. Let's wait.

    Author's gravatar

    What about Kingsman, the shootout in the church? Johnny To also has “Revenge”, “Mission” or “Exiled”, where there will be cooler shootouts

    Author's gravatar

    It’s funny: a video is inserted on the site, and “the owner has prohibited reproduction on sites” is displayed. It says “the link to these episodes will be under this video,” but there is no link.

      Author's gravatar


      Yes, for some unknown and incomprehensible reason, embedding this video is prohibited. And we can’t overcome this disease in any way :(

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