TOP 10 fighting films of the 90s about cyborgs

Hello everyone, FFI is in touch with you on an interesting and unusual topic. Today we will show you the top 10 fighting games of the 90s about cyborgs and androids.

In this case, we immediately outline several conditions: 

First, in the top we will present mainly niche and low-budget films that were inspired not only by well-known films "Terminator" (1984) or “Blade Runner” (1986), but also less popular films about cybernetic mechanisms like “Westworld” (1973) “The World of the Future” (1976) or “Mechanical Killers” (1986) and developed the ideas of the pioneers in one way or another. Therefore the expected "Universal Soldier" (1992) will not be in the video, and it’s hard to call it low-budget, although we can’t get away from the action star with sparkling buns. 

Secondly, we will talk specifically about cyborgs and androids: completely artificial creatures or people modified with the help of cybernetic technologies, who have a significant role in the setting of the world of the screen future - close, or maybe, on the contrary, distant. And no, Dacascos s “Drive” doesn't fit here, but that doesn't stop this film from having fight choreography that was ahead of its time. If you haven’t watched our video on this topic, we highly recommend it!

And thirdly, we will talk specifically about fighting films, that is, films in which on-screen fights occupy a central or at least noticeable place, therefore “Robocops” Don’t expect it either, just as you don’t expect films that seem to fit the theme, in which the main roles are played by martial artists, but they don’t really fight with anyone on camera.

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    I had a lot of fun with the director's cut of Cyborg.
    Mainly just because of the music and the crazy monologues of the main villain.

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