Film "Superman at sunset” (Sunset Superman), also featured under the title “Don't touch grandma” (Don't Mess with Grandma), is an upcoming action-comedy with Michael Jai White starring. This is a company project Raven Banner, which is mainly concentrated on the release of trash films. And, it seems, to add even more trash to the upcoming product, the main star recently posted its trailer on his page, with a smaller video due to the vertical format.
The film is included in the Raven Banner program at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival. The film was directed and written by Jason Krawczyk, who previously filmed “He never died” (2015) and “She never died” (2019).
White plays JT, a kindly bruiser who helps his grandmother fix a leaky faucet in her remote cabin. The plot thickens when the hut is attacked by a gang of robbers, led by the unstable Stan, played by Billy Zane. JT is forced to fend off attacks from more and more bandits, while trying to keep his grandmother from finding out about what is happening.
On the last day of filming Michael Jai White asked the writer/director what inspired him to create the film “Sunset superman“. He replied that he was a huge fan of White and wrote this film especially for him, as he was upset about the failure of the work.He never died” (don’t ask what the connection is between this). As a catharsis he wanted to see how “Michael Jai White beats up as many people as possible in 80 minutes.”. The director aimed to capture a style similar to John Carpenter's film "Big Trouble in Little China“, while White, unaware of the writer/director's intentions, used the image of Jack Burton, played by Kurt Russell in “Big Trouble in Little China“ as inspiration for his character J.T.
Not enough trash? Let's add! On the second day of filming, the original assistant director was very drunk while driving the director and cameraman to the set. Realizing the danger they were in, Michael Krawczyk carefully “directed” the drunk driver to the side of the road. “Avatar” fell out of the car and immediately fell asleep when he was transferred to the passenger seat. This left the production without an assistant director for several weeks until a replacement was found. Krawczyk later received a note from the first mate thanking him for his concern. The director tore the note into pieces, ate it and declared: “That's something considering I wanted to beat him up” .
- There is no information about the release date.
Tags: Sunset superman, Billy Zane, Jason Krawczyk, Michael Jai White
The previous ones are the ones from Tiger Style Media?
Complete crap, not a movie. The previous two are much better.
Damn, that looks pretty good. I'll have to take note. Thanks.