Further difficulties with the project

In addition to a certain persistent “friend” of the late Sasha, who is trying to gain access to the resource in all possible black ways, for unknown purposes, there are also people who legally have the right to the site.

Today I met with close friends of EvilDollar, we talked again about the fate of the site... They supported the idea of ​​​​developing the project and are not going to lay claim to it. But Sasha also has a sister who can declare her rights at the most unexpected moment. Most likely, she will put it up for sale. 

In general, the future of the site is being decided once again. But this is the last time I take part in this. Until 21.03.15/100/XNUMX everything will be XNUMX% clear, the site will either be put up for sale or remain ours. In this regard, I would like to warn you:

  1.  If a decision is made to sell the project and the price set for it is inadequate, I return everything to the condition it was before 22.02.15/XNUMX/XNUMX.
  2. The domain fight-films.info along with its design will be assigned to the new project.
  3. Materials posted after 22.03.15/XNUMX/XNUMX, at the discretion of their authors, will be either deleted or left, but all authors will be denied access to the administrative panel. The issue of restoring access can be resolved with the new owner.
  4. Since I liked the activity of some participants lately, namely Ravenside , Celpaso , DoDFavorit and strom. If these guys show a desire, we can continue the matter by creating a new project, discussed earlier on VKontakte. But it is possible that the new owner will also be interested in developing the site, so don’t worry about it.)

I will update the post with new details if any. If you decide to sell the site, you will see visual changes to the original state, without additions.

PS: I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge hello Farmhand Ivan , a man whom Sanya may have considered his friend. Your black soul and dirty thoughts, together with vile methods of satisfying your own desire for profit, will someday play a cruel joke on you, as well as on those who help you in this.


Sister Alexandra made it clear that it was more important for her to continue the life of the resource to which he dedicated the last years of his life than to replenish his wallet with a few coins.

The site continues its life and I will do everything in my power for its further development.


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    The site continues its life. One of these days I will make a separate page for Sasha.

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    Hmm... to be honest, there is a proposal, if “friends” continue to bother you, just give them the original, and continue the business in a new field (we have experience, the appearance of the new site and its further development path have already been more or less formed, there will be news, and most importantly... the moderators have a desire)

    PS Well, thank you for the kind words addressed to us. :)

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    Oh, and litigation again...

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    When the amount is known, please state.
    If she’s sane, I think we’ll collect the money without any problems.

    PS Regarding the layout.
    I go to the site from a mobile phone, safari is available.
    I also see this news very first and the More details button is not pressed, and I also see this news under the news with a review of Raid 2 and there the More details are already pressed.

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    barsug write to me in a personal message, I can’t get through to my sister, I have one thought (drug-evildollar@mail.ru). Thanks in advance for everything...

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    There are two options - and they are all aimed at common work.
    If they leave the site to us, we’ll do the work here.
    If they sell it, it will be a pity, but we will make a new one and we will do our job there.
    The only pity is the work that Alexander spent on this site, because there is a possibility that the site will be ruined or turned into a dull place.

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      In my experience, such sites are bought for pennies, a link dump is made from them, and after six months the domain is under all search engine filters. It doesn't last long, but it brings more or less normal results. Well, about 500% of what was spent.
      Well, if the price is right, I'll buy it. But there are doubts.

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    Lord, put it up for sale..- what’s going on in people’s heads? And for how much is it interesting?
    What are the big SEO indicators?

    The comment button on the iPad for this news is very difficult to press - I barely got in.

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      It’s not me who will determine the price; I’ll be interested in how much they ask. The site has no indicators. By and large, it is worth nothing. $100 red price. But to a person far from this topic it may seem different. The character mentioned in the post is either doing repairs or plumbing. And, judging by the fact that he has been terrorizing the admin panel, the hoster (with essays about being the second admin) and the mail for the fourth day, he probably thinks that there is some kind of treasure here.
      And the sister will have the right to do whatever she wants with the site as soon as she takes ownership. I'm not going to interfere with this.

      Regarding the comment button, do you mean “more details”, or a comment counter with an icon? If you have a counter, you may have tapped on the icon, it is not clickable.

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        If you go in first, then “more details” is not pressed at all. Then you click on articles and back on News, the layout breaks down: “leave a comment” flies above the news text, but the “more details” button starts working. Safari.

        Yes, if they sell it, it will be a dump - that's for sure..

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          Is this bug in all posts, or just in this one attached at the top?

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            With the fact that the button is not pressed - only from above.

            And the layout works like this: on any page, if you go to details and then click back in the browser, then it is on this news that “leave a comment” flies higher.

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              Everything should click fine now. Regarding the fact that the layout is going on, I would like more detail, I don’t quite understand.

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                Yes thank you. The button worked.
                Regarding the layout, maybe I’ll make screenshots a little later.

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