Full trailer for The Expendables 3

In "The Expendables 3” Barney (Stallone), Christmas (Statham) and the rest of the team come face to face with Conrad Stonebanks (Gibson), who founded the Expendables team with Barney many years ago. Subsequently, Stonebanks becomes a ruthless arms dealer, and in doing so, turns into the man Barney was tasked with killing... Or at least he believed so.

Now Stonebanks, having already managed to cheat death once, has set himself the goal of ending the Expendables - but Barney has his own plans for this. Barney decides that a "fresh" approach can counteract the old methods in his fight, and fills the ranks with people who are younger, faster and more technically savvy.

This is how a new era begins for the members of the Expendables team. The latest mission turns into a clash between the classic "old school" and the high tech experts. There has never been a battle with such personal motives in the history of The Expendables.


33 comment

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    About a Hollywood movie with outstanding action - Blade 1-3, The Last Samurai

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    Funny trailer, although I'll go see this movie anyway. I'm looking forward to some funny dialogue, some fighting, and of course just some spectacle from a bunch of famous action movie actors in one place. :)

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    A little in defense of Jet LI: I agree with those who say that if Jet used ropes, this does not mean that the fight was poorly staged - there were simply ropes (well, he is not an acrobat). But he is an excellent master of sports wushu (and traditional wushu, by the way, too, there are shots where he studied with Li Zimyn and Wu Tunan), which he showed perfectly on the screen (although, yes, not always). Besides, you shouldn't kick him too much with his back injury.

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    If you do a fight in “The Expendables,” then you definitely don’t need ropes. We were talking about “The Expendables.” Remember the context. I'm not saying that ropes are not needed at all. I'm talking about the fact that Jet has probably forgotten what it would be like without them. A joke of course, but there is some truth in this.
    AndBeast, I have already written to you a couple of films with him, where the cables are minimal and do not hurt my eyes. “Black Mask” was still very much on topic. If not in the Jet films, then in the first “Ip Man”, ropes were a theme here and there. Well, here is “Drunken Master 2” mentioned above. And yes, I was not talking about quantity, but about quality. But I wouldn't say that Jet always came across great choreographers.

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    Why are you attached to Jet? He is cool.

    Another thing is that they will again film some kind of crap, as was the case with the second part, Show-offs, show-offs and once again, there will only be show-offs. Well, okay, I will be glad, for the third time, to see the heroes of my childhood on the big screens again.

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    In the movie “The Master” of 89, there seemed to be no ropes, there Jet is fighting with Jerry Trimble at the end!

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    Ravenside, that is, is there a number of ropes that still suits you?) Two? Four? So maybe it's not the ropes, but how they are used? Then I agree with you: ropes are one of the elements of staging a fight or stunts, that’s all. Some use them ineptly, others don’t. Jet Li, basically, used to come across good choreographers + his personal talent and charisma (by the way, my favorite film with him with a minimum of ropes is The Legendary Fist).

    I agree with the use of ropes. There are a lot of them in MAGNIFICENT and in DRUNKEN MASTER 2, and Chan has a lot of them, but how does he use them. Super!!!

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    Ravenside, that is, is there a number of ropes that still suits you?) Two? Four? So maybe it's not the ropes, but how they are used? Then I agree with you: ropes are one of the elements of staging a fight or stunts, that’s all. Some use them mediocrely, others do not. Jet Li, basically, used to come across good choreographers + his personal talent and charisma (by the way, my favorite film with him with a minimum of ropes is The Legendary Fist).

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    I don’t remember exactly (because I watched it a long time ago), but it seems like Lee showed an excellent fighting game in Fearless.

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    That's why I love Cruise's action films, because he does the stunts and fights himself!)) Respect to the man!)

    I don’t argue, it’s a similar opinion.

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    AndBeast, not of the American-European period and with a minimum number of ropes - Hitman (1998) Sat sau ji wong and Secret Agent Gei ba ba de xin (1995).

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    That's why I love Cruise's action films, because he does the stunts and fights himself!)) Respect to the man!)

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    Don't take the matrix into account?

    Please, Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes, Blade, the first Taken

    Yes, we are talking about different things, though)

    The first Hostage is the expected example and this is exactly the confirmation of my words, because it is a French film. The entire film crew there is French. And the fighting game there is purely acting, because Neeson.

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    Ravenside, he, Jet Li, really has a lot of work, but he almost ALWAYS worked with ropes and was not ashamed to talk about it. Fei Hungg - ropes, Fong Sai Yuk - ropes, Chen Jen - ropes too. There are ropes everywhere, but this, NATURALLY, didn’t make the films any worse for ME. Then you can name me a film with him that was not from the American-European period, where he was completely without ropes. There are practically no such people. As for whether a fighting game is good or bad - I personally am for ingenuity, even with ropes, than for a meaningless realistic fight without imagination.

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    In general, in high-budget films, the emphasis is on special effects

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    What do I want to say? Everything Perry or Stovall do is yesterday. It's old. Young teams who have begun to be called to perform stunts in expensive films stage just stunts, but they don’t really stage fights, because a) there is no director-producer and, in fact, mass audience demand for this and b) there are almost no actors who are capable fulfill it. All they have is the same-type Stathams, the wooden Keanu Reeves, and the aging Tom Cruises.
    Well, you saw “The Expendables 2”, and there were great fights there?? Was Adkins allowed to turn around there? Van Damme? Jet Li? So what, in the third part, suddenly someone will make a 5-7 minute clean and high-quality fighting game? A maximum of 1,5-2 minutes of re-edited, chopped up nervously shaking fuss, where you can’t understand where Stallone’s hands are or Statham’s legs.
    There in the trailer there were some shots of throws, blows, we'll see, maybe I'm wrong. But I think not.

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    Don't take the matrix into account?

    Please, Guy Ritchie's Sherlock Holmes, Blade, the first Taken

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    AndBeast, my attitude towards Jet Li depends on the specific film. And besides the wuxia genre, he has a lot more works. However, IMHO, of course, he doesn’t have very many really high-quality fighting games.

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    Please name examples of a modern Hollywood big-budget film with an excellent (excellent!) fighting game, with outstanding choreography, editing, cinematography and performances (just don’t talk about “Captain America”).
    Otherwise it will turn out that we are talking about different things.

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    Oh come on, no one can deliver? and Larnell Stovall, J. J. Perry ? this is a meager example.

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    Your attitude towards Jet Li betrays a “biased” judgment, especially considering that he – with the exception of the Shaolin Temple trilogy – has been “hanging on ropes” all his life and became mega-popular precisely thanks, first of all, to the “wuxia” genre. And to say that no one in Hollywood will stage the fight?.. Hollywood is a multinational country ruled by Jewish-Americans. If necessary, they will invite Corey Yen and Yen Woo Ping. Yes, and sometimes they themselves can, but here you are completely bent.

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    Controversial about Danny Chain Dog...but there are a couple of scenes that are questionable.

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    What I mean is that Jet Li hasn’t really shown anything for 15 years without stunt doubles or ropes.

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    Jet will never play this fighting game.

    I don’t understand, what are you talking about?

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    This is a hint that you wouldn’t see a lot of screen time or a good fighting game from Jet in “The Expendables.” First of all, Stallone will not give anything to anyone. Secondly, no one in Hollywood will stage a normal fight. And thirdly, Jet will never perform this fighting game.

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    Chan was offered roles in both the second and third parts, but he refused, because... I thought that what was written for him in the script was not for him. I don’t remember exactly about the first one, but I think it was the same name.

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    If this is a hint at the general “busyness” of Asians in Hollywood, then I don’t agree. After all, Lee is not Tony Jaa, who starred in two and a half films that went beyond Thailand at the box office, and has already entered Hollywood, thinking that leading roles will now fall on him. Lee is still such a figure that he can refuse some projects if he wants, even in the USA, where much more film money is circulating than in China. I am sure that Stallone would not refuse him if he asked to write a couple of additional fights for him in the general large-scale mess. Moreover, in the first film he was actually the third main character along with Statham and Stallone. IMHO.

    Why then was Chan refused? Or does he have a less stellar status?

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    Even if he were as healthy as a bull, it is unlikely that anything would have changed.

    If this is a hint at the general “busyness” of Asians in Hollywood, then I don’t agree. Still, Lee is not Tony Jaa, who starred in two and a half films that went beyond Thailand at the box office, and has already entered Hollywood, thinking that leading roles will now fall on him. Lee is still such a figure that he can refuse some projects if he wants, even in the USA, where much more film money is circulating than in China. I am sure that Stallone would not refuse him if he asked to write a couple of additional fights for him in the general large-scale mess. Moreover, in the first film he was actually the third main character along with Statham and Stallone. IMHO.

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    Even if he were as healthy as a bull, it is unlikely that anything would have changed.

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    Personally, I'm sad that it looks like there will be very, very little Jet Li, even less than in the second one. It flashed once in the trailer and that’s it. Perhaps this is due to his current poor state of health.
    And if the film runs less than two hours, then it’s certain that all the characters won’t even be able to be revealed even a little bit.

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    This is strong!)) To be honest, until recently I didn’t understand what the hell Banderas was doing there?) But judging by the trailer, he was seriously furious))

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    Judging by the trailer, Banderas and Gibson are playing there. And the rest are making pretentious faces))

    Author's gravatar

    The best trailer in terms of scale and scope of all the EXPENDABLES!!!

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