New showreel by choreographer Larnell Stovall

The most famous projects Larnell Stovall: "Blood and bone", "Indisputable 3", "Bunraku", "Universal Soldier 4", "Mortal Kombat: Rebirth", "Mortal Kombat: Legacy", "Never Give Up 2", "Dance Fu", "Eyes of the Dragon", "Informer", "Trip Together", "Favela" etc.

2014 Stunt/Fight Coord Reel


    Author's gravatar

    I still can’t understand why he staged the fights in Mortal KOmbat Legacy so badly?

    + a lot. In general, other than fights with Scott’s participation, I haven’t seen any good fights from him.

    Author's gravatar

    I still can’t understand why he staged the fights in Mortal KOmbat Legacy so badly?

    Author's gravatar

    When will “Favela” finally be released???

    Author's gravatar

    The choreography is just like J.J. Perry.

    Author's gravatar

    If you want to support the creators, then go to iTunes.

    Author's gravatar

    And what are these excerpts with fighters from mortal kombat?? Where to look?

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