Filming has begun on Man Of Tai Chi

Yesterday, February 28th, filming of a new film by a debutant director began in Beijing Keanu Reeves "Man Of Tai Chi". Will play the main male role Tiger Chen (Chen Hu), the role of the villain - Keanu Reeves, the main female role - Karen Mock, and the choreography of the fights went to Yuen Woo-ping.

Современный kung Fu action movie with elements Tai Tzu will be filmed over six months in Beijing and Hong Kong on a budget of 200 million yuan ($32 million).

The film will be produced by companies "China Film Group", “Village Roadshow Asia”, "Wanda Media" и "Universal Pictures". "Universal Pictures" will be responsible for the film's North American release.

In the picture above: Han Sanping, head "China Film Group", and (lo and behold!) Keanu Reeves without a beard. :)



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    Director Stephen Fung said at the annual meeting of the Hong Kong Directors Guild that filming of the first two films in the “Tai Chi” trilogy has already completed. He hopes the release will take place this summer.

    Regarding the film “Man Of Tai Chi”, Fung said that this film is modern, and his is a historical costume film, so there should not be any conflicts/contradictions.

    At the same event, Jackie Chan was jokingly hit in the head with a microphone by Tsui Hark. :)


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    I was wrong, Yuen Woo-ping is still present :)


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    I'm happy for Reeves and wish him good luck!!!!
    I hope everything works out for him!!!
    Good luck, mr. Reeves.

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    Yes, I’ll definitely have to see what comes out of this, purely out of curiosity, I’m not expecting anything serious, but I’d like to see the levels.

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    At the very least, it all looks very interesting. From the point of view of "evaluate". Just like Russell Crowe and his blacksmith or whatever.

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    It doesn’t mean, but I’m not talking about quality, but about the presence of Wu Ping on the site. But the film will most likely be mediocre.

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    He'll probably drop by while passing through,

    Don't think. Expensive project.

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      Expensive does not mean high quality. Now, if Reeves had filmed something like this before, then it would have been clear what to expect.

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    Neo surprises me, why Chinese cinema? In my opinion, he is a pioneer among actors of this level in this direction; I would never have thought that he was so seriously interested in Chinese screen martial arts.

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      I also don’t believe it, IMHO, it’s about money, since the project is sort of international (USA/China, Kung Fu/Tai Tzu/Keanu, Yuen Woo-ping/student of Yuen Woo-ping). And I don’t really believe in Yuen Woo-ping. Probably, he’ll drop by while passing through, take a look, wave his hand, saying, okay, let’s move on, and leave some of his assistant.

      And they will say, they will say that there were four of them © ~ D'Artagnan and the Three Musketeers

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