Mini-interview with Donnie Yen

Donnie Yen, the kung fu film star, and director Wilson Yip unveiled their new film to a packed Hong Kong International Film Festival press conference on Monday. “Ip Man 2”.

“Ip Man 2,” a direct sequel to the 2008 action film “Ip Man,” is an adaptation of the life of the 20th century Chinese martial artist of the same name. One of Ip Man's students was a young Bruce Lee.

Ip Man, who was born in 1893 in Guangdong Province and died in Hong Kong in 1972, is portrayed in the film as a brave and honest man, a loving husband and an affectionate father.

“We recreated a certain picture based on a real personality.”

, Mr. Yen said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal.

“Ip Man is the standard hero these days because he can fight. But, in addition, he is a kind, responsible family man, and this fact can attract the entire viewing audience.”

Despite the popularity of the first film and the expected sequel next month, Mr. Yen said he doesn't expect a third installment:

“I think that for me, as an actor, and Wilson Yip, as a director, two parts are enough.”

“We could easily make five more films, but in that case the artistic value would be lost. I would like people to remember what we did for the film industry.”

The premiere of “Ip Man 2,” filmed on a budget of $10 million, according to producer Raymond Wong, should take place in Hong Kong and the Middle Kingdom on April 29, 2010. It’s too early to say when the film will be released in the US.

Author: Dean Napolitano
Translation: EvilDollaR
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