The Legend of King Naresuan 3 will receive 100 million baht

Last week, the Thai Ministry of Culture announced that 3 million baht will be allocated for the production of “The Legend of King Naresuan 100”. The ministry, with the help of the Office of Contemporary Arts and Culture, was to distribute 200 million baht (subject to certain conditions) to directors included in the Creative Economy program. Nearly 300 projects were submitted, including Kong Ritdi's Muslim project, and only 50 received funding.

Mr. Kong Ritdi spoke very harshly about the Ministry of Culture in his article on BangkokPost, hinting at the difference between culture and cult. He considers it unacceptable that one film, “King Naresuan 3”, got half of the allocated budget, arguing that the film is not that important considering that it is the third part of the never-ending story created by the established director Mr. Chatrichalerm Yukol.

One film received half the funds, and the remaining 299 applicants, most of them students and aspiring filmmakers not looking for profit, must beg like beggars for what resembles scraps from a generous dinner table.

No one should have received 100 million out of 200 million. This is like a slap in the face of the entire artistic community and the taxpayers of this country.

Another interesting quote from Mr. Kong Ritdy:

The whole thing looks like a “black” comedy, since the budget goes through the Office of Contemporary Arts and Culture, and in “King Naresuan 3” the only modern element is the well-trimmed mustache of the protagonist. The film became a priority for bureaucrats and managers, thereby showing that the Ministry of Culture has no intentions of elevating Thai art to a new level, but of keeping it in the shadow of the traditions of the aristocracy, which forever fetters the development of art.

It is difficult to say why Mr. Kong Ritdi's opinion is so harsh towards the financing of “King Naresuan 3”. Maybe because his own project was rejected? But he didn't mention it. Maybe this is just ordinary envy?.. In any case, the director is obliged to return the money spent on financing to the state treasury after the release of the film. Where will a poor student or aspiring director, who, for example, is allocated 50 million baht, after filming his non-profit project for a narrow circle of people, get money to repay the debt?..

Personally, I would also bet on “Naresuan 3”. In addition, in the film one of the roles previously assigned to Tony Jaa, will play Dan Chupong - the famous ghost raven from “Ong-Bak 2” и “Ong-Bak 3”.

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