Corey Yuen praises actress Yang Mi

Famous Chinese actress Yang Mi, choreographer Corey Yuen и Louis Fan visited the international film market in Hong Kong, where they held another press conference dedicated to the film "Wu Dang". They presented a promotional video and individual production materials. Corey Yuen praised “new kung fu star” Yang Mi, paying tribute to her physical adaptability and natural talent as a fighter. Louis Fan there, on the spot, he demonstrated his kung fu skills.

He told the story that when he was doing a three-revolution jump in the air on set, all the force came from his heels and the high rebounds broke upon landing. It took six able-bodied men to get him down the hill. After some treatment the next day he was ready to continue working. Luis believes that injuries were not the most difficult part of the filming process. The hardest thing was to carry the actress in her arms. Pau Hichin several dozen times up and down the steps located at a distance of approximately 900 m above sea level. Fortunately, his body tolerated the high altitude well. He avoided answering a question regarding recent news of disagreements between Donnie Yen и Vincent Zhao, and said that he was not aware of what was happening.

In his first kung fu film Yang Mi injuries were not spared. After performing stunts with cables, she was covered in bruises. Was she afraid? She said: “Everything is fine, but it was quite scary. Some of the stunts were very difficult; in one scene I had to hang upside down.” Is she interested in action films? Yang Mi replied that she had not decided yet, because she did not know whether the film would be successful. If the audience accepts it, she will be happy to try again, since filming such films improves health.


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