Jackie Chan is preparing to open a stunt school

A few days ago in Beijing Jackie Chan signed an agreement to establish an international stunt school in Jixiang. The first phase of production will cost 10 million yuan and will be completed next year. Experts from various countries should be invited to train future stuntmen in stunt work, horse riding, extreme sports, etc.

“A real action movie is one in which the stunts are done for real,” - I said, Chan, hinting at the fact that in many modern blockbusters, stuntmen are replaced by computer graphics.

Jackie Chan: “In 1974, almost 40 years ago, I founded the Jackie Chan Stunt Team. Members of this family, who became brothers, followed me throughout my career, sometimes through thick and thin. With their professionalism in cinema, they impressed colleagues around the world and won respect. Today I have made my long-time dream come true by finally opening my own stunt school to the general public, and on a professional basis, too! I want to share the good news with several generations of Jackie Chan's stunt team members all over the world!”

The actor also admitted that he would like to establish a special film award for stuntmen with the nominations “best action film”, “best actor/actress in an action film”, “best production director”, “best stunt choreography”, “best fight”, etc. .

Jackie Chan: “Every time I stand in front of real heroes whom no one knows by sight, stuntmen who are ready to put their lives on the line to create a good action movie, I want others to imagine how much blood, sweat and tears they shed.” .

Plans Jackie Chan opening of another school:

Jackie Chan: “This is not just a martial arts school, but a school of martial arts and acting at the same time. In addition, I will teach everything related to filming action films, including even how to set camera angles and how to edit. I want students to become action stars with extensive training!”

Source: superchanblog.blogspot.com


    Author's gravatar

    A relatively “fresh” interview with Jackie Chan:


    Author's gravatar

    Today Jackie is 60, today there will be dancing! :)

    Author's gravatar

    I agree with the previous speaker)))!
    Chan did his best box office in recent memory.
    The production studio has ALREADY recognized “47 Samurai” as a FAILURE))).

    Author's gravatar

    It's funny to hear such stories from a person who makes almost global plans for stuntmen. Was it really impossible to hire a couple of professionals? And why these show-offs with wires with his set of injuries? Another PR...

    Author's gravatar

    Here is the general opinion of one of the Chinese critics:

    SUMMARY: While not a bad film, Police Story 2013 doesn't play to Jackie Chan's strengths, turning him into every other tough action hero ever. It's surprisingly short on the stunts and thrills too.

    RATING: 3 out of 5 Stars

    Jedd Jong

    It was also funny to find out that during the filming of the film he was beaten by real MMA fighters, and not by stuntmen who know how to control the blows, how he tore a thin metal wire with his own strength, damaging his wrists almost to the bone...

    Some kind of opinion about nothing... It was strange to expect a lot of tricks from this film, initially the emphasis was placed on something else. And even in this opinion it is written that the film is not bad, but the author does not see Jackie in this image. Well, his right... I'm sure the film turned out well! Another thing is that for some reason many people expect something different from him...

    To be honest, I don't see anything particularly funny...

    Author's gravatar

    "Dean Alexandrou's opinion of three films seen in Bangkok..."
    With all due respect to his professionalism, his opinion is only for background)))…
    He has not yet established himself as a film critic. IMHO.

    Here is the general opinion of one of the Chinese critics:

    SUMMARY: While not a bad film, Police Story 2013 doesn't play to Jackie Chan's strengths, turning him into every other tough action hero ever. It's surprisingly short on the stunts and thrills too.

    RATING: 3 out of 5 Stars

    Jedd Jong

    That is, the film, even as a thriller, turned out to be weak. An ordinary drama about an elderly cop with a lure for viewers in the form of a title and an IMAX format.

    It was also funny to find out that during the filming of the film he was beaten by real MMA fighters, and not by stuntmen who know how to control the blows, how he tore a thin metal wire with his own strength, damaging his wrists almost to the bone...

    Author's gravatar

    "Dean Alexandrou's opinion of three films seen in Bangkok..."
    with all due respect to his professionalism - his opinion is only for background)))...
    He has not yet established himself as a film critic. IMHO.

    Author's gravatar

    Dean Alexandrou's thoughts on three films seen in Bangkok:

    47 ronin = chic!
    The Hobbit 2 = neither this nor that
    Police Story 2013 = sleeping pills


    Author's gravatar


    "Police Story 4" - 67,5 million yuan on the first day in China. Approximately $11,1 million."

    Dean Alexandrou's thoughts on three films seen in Bangkok:

    47 ronin = chic!
    The Hobbit 2 = neither this nor that
    Police Story 2013 = sleeping pills


    Author's gravatar

    JACKIE has been talking about this for twenty years

    This means the ice has broken.

    Author's gravatar

    JACKIE has been talking about this for twenty years

    Author's gravatar


    "Police Story 4 - 67,5 million yuan on the first day in China. $11,1 million approximately."

    Author's gravatar

    Yes, it really is a wonderful dream! Hopefully everything can come to fruition so we can see the real next generation of martial arts action stars!

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