Donnie Yen VS Vincent Zhao: whose side are you on?

Disagreements between Donnie Yen и Vincent Zhao have recently reached their peak: Ian is going to sue Zhao for false information regarding Vincent's words about his behavior on the set of the new action film "Special Identity".

As passions ran high, many Hong Kong and Chinese celebrities began to choose which of the conflicting sides to choose.

Stars like Shu Qi и Kara Hui expressed their support Jena, while others, for example, the famous Yuen Wa and Chinese actress Xu Jiao, support Zhao. Here's what some of them wrote on their microblogs:

Shu Qi: Donnie Yen takes what he does extremely seriously and thinks through every detail to make sure every shot is perfect. Even if it's cold and he's shaking with chills when he hears the word “Let's start!”, Donnie Yen immediately begins to perform his role without a single word of complaint.

Kara Hui: Donny, I've known you since you were a young man, I know you have a passion for films and have high hopes for your endeavors. I hope you are not affected by all this controversy. Keep it up!

Hong Kong actor Chapman To and director Won Jing also supported Jena, but also Zhao has its supporters.

“I worked with Vincent Zhao in the movie “Wu Dang”, and I think that he is very enthusiastic about his work, I personally believe in Zhao and strongly support him!” – said the star of the movie “CJ7” Xu Jiao.

This was confirmed Yuen Wa, who starred in numerous Hong Kong action films and took sides Zhao.

To say more about Zhao insists on his own and declares that he is ready to get along with Ian in court, even if this quarrel causes irreparable damage to his acting career.

“In Beijing, I bought a dozen properties at a low price, now they cost six times more. Even if I stop working, I won’t have any difficulties,” - I said, Zhao to journalists in response to a statement Jena about the intention to sue.

My reputation is at stake here. I must seek justice because my professionalism is being insulted.


21 comment

    Author's gravatar

    For some reason, site traffic has dropped sharply in recent weeks and days - something needs to be done :)

      Author's gravatar

      Yandex again classified the site as potentially dangerous, so it crashed. I'm working on this.

    Author's gravatar

    According to, Collin Chow is being considered for one of the roles and negotiations are underway.

    Author's gravatar

    10 minutes in Photoshop and voila. =)

    Author's gravatar

    wowhahaha cool idea

    Author's gravatar

    It is reported that manufacturers have already lost several million yuan in this case. Andy On was not given the role of Vincent Zhao, but they came up with a completely new one for him and are now tweaking the script.

    In the meantime, FIGHT! :D


    Author's gravatar

    I do not understand.
    Vincent is an athlete and was on the Chinese martial arts team.

    I could be wrong, but Vincent, most likely, like Donnie.... engaged in sports wushu and performed in taolu, and now it is usually called wushu gymnastics competitions (since what is happening has a very approximate relation to martial arts, it’s more likely sports. gymnastics with an eastern bias) BUT Donnie after that was interested in MMA, boxing, etc., so if Vincent didn’t do something more combative... fuck him =)

    Author's gravatar

    Yes, Vincent has no chance in the ring, this is clear to everyone

    I do not understand.
    Vincent is an athlete and was on the Chinese martial arts team.
    And if we talk about films, then I put “Blade” with Zhao on the level of Yen’s best films.

    Author's gravatar

    look how tempting they look in the photo... and they want to be beaten...

    Yes, Vincent has no chance in the ring, this is clear to everyone

    Author's gravatar

    look how tempting they look in the photo... and they just want to get hit...

    Author's gravatar

    That's right, that's right... LET THEM SMASH IN THE RING...

    Author's gravatar

    “In Beijing, I bought a dozen properties at a low price, now they cost six times more. Even if I stop working, I won’t have any difficulties.”

    By the way, I recently saw in China that a city with many storey buildings was built over the course of several years, and this city was nicknamed the city of ghosts, because practically no one lives there, 90 percent of the apartments were bought by the rich in advance, and they bought several apartments at a time. The problem is that in China there are a large number of people who live without their own housing, but they simply cannot buy apartments; they are immediately snapped up by the rich.

    Author's gravatar

    I don’t presume to judge which of them is right, but this phrase from Vincent sounds stupid, to say the least:

    “In Beijing, I bought a dozen properties at a low price, now they cost six times more. Even if I stop working, I won’t have any difficulties.”

    Why was this said? To flaunt your “wealth” and superiority? or is this an expression of not caring about the situation?

    By God, it would be better if we met in the ring with gloves on and solved our “problems” like real Men - to the delight of reporters and fans! :)

      Author's gravatar

      Let Mortal Kombat Begin!

    Author's gravatar

    Leave poor Chuck alone))))) I'm tired of it already

    Author's gravatar

    Better be afraid of CHUCK!))))))))))))))

    hahaha nooo I don’t really know Chuck.

      Author's gravatar

      Lindolion, just because you don't know Chuck doesn't mean Chuck doesn't know about you =)))

    Author's gravatar

    Better be afraid of CHUCK!))))))))))))))

    Author's gravatar

    I'm afraid of Donny, I'll take his side...

    Author's gravatar

    I follow Donny on weibo, so he writes a lot of things there and is indignant! And Vincent wrote something in his own defense.

    Author's gravatar

    Eh, how well it all started... :(

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