Dolph Lundgren to release fitness book

Dolph Lundgren in his recent interview told readers of the site Movie Mavericks about your immediate plans. Here are the most interesting questions:

About the film “The Expendables 2”

A video recently surfaced of you and Stallone in Mexico. There are rumors online that the two of you were looking for suitable locations for “The Expendables 2”. Can you comment on this?

Dolph Lundgren: Yes, we went to some places, but I don't think they'll film there. I believe filming will take place in various locations in France, China and Ukraine. I'm not 100% sure when they will start as Stallone is doing several films and I have a couple planned, but I will find out about it in the coming weeks.

Will your character, Gunnar Jensen, appear in the sequel?

Dolph Lundgren: As far as I know, yes, but I haven't signed anything yet. [laughs]

About watching your own films

Dolph Lundgren: I don't like watching my films. I have two daughters, 10 and 15 years old, and until this time they were too young to watch the “bloody meat grinders” in which I took part. I didn't let them do that. Sometimes, while watching TV, I find myself watching one of my films. Over time, when you are already wise with experience, you think: “Wow, that was cool!” But when the work is recent or an episode is approaching in which you will soon be killed, you begin to be a little ashamed of your work. I'm not a fan of my films. I think that they came out for other people, and they should evaluate them.

About the fitness book “Fit Forever”

Can you tell us about your book on fitness, which is due out this year?

Dolph Lundgren: At first it will be released only in Sweden. I decided to write it in Swedish because it is kind of autobiographical. But publishers want to sell it in other territories, in America, France and Spain. I'm still adding the finishing touches to it. The book will appear in Sweden in the fall of 2011, and in America, hopefully, sometime next year.

Will it detail your training regimen?

Dolph Lundgren: Yes, my life will be described there. How and why I started training, my experience in martial arts is described, how I got into cinema. There will be information about how my workouts have changed depending on the films I've been in, from Rocky IV to The Expendables. I will draw a parallel between my personal growth and my training. The book will be called “Fit Forever”, so the idea is how to force yourself not to quit working out.

In which movie do you think you were in the best physical shape?

Dolph Lundgren: In terms of physical fitness, “Rocky 4” stands out. We didn't use stunt doubles, there was no CGI, so nothing could be faked. All that was needed was excellent physical shape, which, in fact, was what Sly and I were in. While filming the movie Pentathlon, I played an athlete, and it was a little funny because I had to be less pumped up and lose a little weight. Modern pentathlon includes swimming, shooting, fencing, running and horse riding. I was like that before I got into films. More athletic and slender. I also enjoyed filming “The Expendables.” Even though I didn’t strip to the waist, I had to pump myself up, because around me there were guys like Steve Austin and a few other guys who couldn’t be called small. There aren't a lot of big guys on screen these days, but there were a ton of them in this movie.

Author: Jason Rugaard
Translation: EvilDollaR


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    Dolph tweeted that he was starring in the new independent comedy film Small Apartments. He dyed his hair black and listens to rhythm and blues performed by Barry White. :D

    It is not yet known exactly what role he will play. The main character will star comedian Matt Lucas (he voiced both fat men in the recent Alice in Wonderland).

    Author's gravatar

    Agree! I would also like them to film in Ukraine rather than somewhere in another country. =)

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    It is unlikely that they will be filmed in Ukraine.

      Author's gravatar

      Why is Ukraine any worse than Zimbabwe? Let them “kill Kozloff” there. Just not in Chernobyl, please, otherwise I’ve already seen something like this somewhere... =)

    Author's gravatar

    The truth about Ukraine is interesting.

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    Dolph Lundgren is an excellent actor and fighter, he also wrote a book on fitness, there will be a lot to learn.

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