Jackie Chan's Diary: Visit to the White House


This is necessary! I didn't even realize how long it had been since I wrote a diary for you. Still, no need to worry. You didn't miss anything because lately all I've been doing is working, working, sleeping, sleeping, sleeping, training, training, training. I was doing normal things. But something so exciting happened yesterday that I couldn’t help but tell you about it.

I had lunch at White House in DC! The president Obama invited me to take part in a state dinner held in honor of the President's visit Hu Jintao in America. It was such a great honor that I dropped everything I was doing and flew to the States for lunch. Before lunch I did a little exercise, slept in the hotel, then took a shower, got dressed and went to White House. I brought my little pandas, La and Zi, thinking it would be fun to take some photos with them while visiting White House. However, upon arrival, my agent said that to take stuffed toys to White House - not the best idea, because, after all, this is an elegant state dinner at a high level. After discussing all the pros and cons with Philip, I decided not to take them with me. So we sent them back to the hotel, and instead I just took my camera to take pictures and show you some photos.

Official photo taken Pete Suza for White House

Walking down a long corridor, I found myself in a press room. So I walked in, camera in hand, which made everyone giggle. I was actually surprised how calm and quiet the reception area was. I'm used to loud noise from photographers and journalists, but this was different. Everyone was very reserved, and all I did was say hello, talk to a few reporters, and then proceed to the reception area.

When I had the opportunity, I walked around to look at the beautiful rooms White House. The stay took my breath away. It was as if I could feel the entire history of this place, as if memories from the past flashed before my eyes. Amazing!

  • Here I am in the library. Very beautiful and calm room.
  • I noticed that several books were in the wrong order, so I had to fix that.
  • I'm with my agent Philip.
  • This is a portrait of the First Lady Eleanor Rooseveltwritten Douglas Chandor.
  • Portrait Hillary Clinton.
  • And these are some plates and glasses that were used by past US presidents. I thought they were wonderful. There's so much history in this!
  • Another room in White House.

I was so happy going from room to room that I didn't want to stop! The place was very colorful, and all the rooms I visited simply reeked of history.

When I met the President Obama, he shook my hand and said he was a big fan of mine. Wow! This made me feel uncomfortable, I was so flattered. I was almost speechless and just muttered to him that it was an honor for me to meet him. He told me that I was very popular among American children and, naturally, I was extremely pleased to hear this from the president.

  • Yes, the president stood in front of me in a “kung fu stance,” but I didn’t mind at all!

Can you believe I met with four presidents in one evening? With the President Barack Obama, President Hu Jintao, former president Clinton and former president Jimmy Carter. When I met the President Clinton, he grabbed my hand and took me to meet his wife, the US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Mistress Clinton She said that her husband is a big fan of mine and he loves to talk about me. Hearing this, I smiled “from ear to ear.” It's such an honor for me.

  • This is the vice president Joe Biden.

Even though I saw the president Hu Jintao At various events held in China, such as the Olympics, I had the first chance to talk to him alone. During our conversation with him, the president approached the table Obama and said: “You know, Jackie Chan is very popular in the States.”. What does the president need? Hu Jintao answered: “It’s even more popular in China!” Ha ha ha!

There were a lot of important people at the dinner, it was impossible to count them all. I met many politicians and even saw some of my old friends. Overall the evening was very joyful and exciting, and for me being in White House – exciting. It’s hard to remember when I’ve ever experienced so much history in one house. When I think about everything that happened there, about the major world leaders who were there, “I get goosebumps.”

After talking to everyone in White House, I realized that a “bright” future awaits us. President Obama I am very interested in the environment, world peace and cooperation with China. He is an extremely positive person, and I am sure that if the two countries start working together, good changes will await the whole world.

After finishing dinner, I enjoyed the concert with the other guests and then returned to the hotel and went to bed. Then headed to the airport for a quick flight to Los Angeles to discuss some business, then I'll head back to China.

It was a very interesting week and I will never forget it. Bye see you soon!

Author: Jackie Chan
Source: jackiechan.com
Translation: EvilDollaR


    Author's gravatar

    thanks Jackie! reading your article, it’s clear to everyone that you yourself are like everyone else, “that you yourself are a simple person with a simple soul,” that you know how to see the wonderful in small things, and having already been to the White House, it’s already,,,

    Author's gravatar

    Jackie you are super I say Sasha music but you don’t know me but I hope we will meet again I’m going to go to you.

    Author's gravatar

    He has such a childish style of writing, if I didn’t know what Jackie wrote, I would think it was a child. It’s funny with the pandas, it’s good that Jackie was near an adult at that moment and explained to him why you can’t take your soft toys with you to an important diplomatic reception))))

    Author's gravatar

    I love reading his messages to fans)) It’s a pity, they are rarely updated (

    Author's gravatar

    Thank you! It’s nice to read, I understand Jackie Chan’s feelings, I myself was once speechless when I shook Jackie’s hand. ;)

    Author's gravatar

    Super, Jackie turns even such a seemingly “simple” walk around the White House into a fascinating story =)))

    Author's gravatar

    Very interesting! Thank you for the article.

      Author's gravatar

      Very interesting! Thank you for the article.

      My pleasure. A smiling Jackie Chan is a complete “positiff”, and translating such pleasant articles is a pleasure.

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