Intriguing news for fantasy lovers. Action Star, Daniel Barnhard, announced as the protagonist of the reboot of the film series “Death Stalker” (Deathstalker), based on the writer’s saga of the same name Simon b. Greena.
In total, 4 films were previously made based on Green's novels, and as often happens, they cannot be said to be very successful. One thing is that the book series certainly has its fans who do not lose hope for a successful film adaptation.
Will make a film Stephen Kostanski, which is known mainly to a narrow audience for the films “Manborg”, “Very Strange Alien”, “The ABCs of Death 2” and “Day of the Dead”. He promises that his “Stalker” will not try to parasitize on the success of “Conan the Barbarian”, but will concentrate on the fantasy setting, his bestiary.
New "deathstalker” will tell the story of a barbarian cursed by a magical talisman that draws him into conflict with an evil wizard and a clan of monstrous killers.
Trailer for the first film in the series “Deathstalker” (1983)
Production is set to begin at the end of April.
“Kill 'Em All”
Another film in which he starred Daniel Barnhard will get a sequel. As you already understand, we are talking about “Finish them all off” (Kill 'Em All) with Jean-Claude Van Damme starring. This will be a direct continuation:
Philip and Suzanne left the spy game and began to live peacefully off the grid. This continued until their location was discovered by Vlad, the vengeful brother of their victim from the first film.
Wrote a continuation James Agnew. And filming was supposed to start on the Caribbean island of Antigua in January. Andrea Hiervolino, CEO of ILBE, commented:
I am very pleased and honored that Jean-Claude Van Damme has agreed to be a part of this exciting project. The beauty of Antigua and its unique atmosphere will provide an incredible backdrop for this film. This initiative not only strengthens our commitment to the film industry, but also aims to strengthen cultural and cooperative ties between Europe and the West Indies.
In addition to the JCVD itself, in “Finish them all 2” his daughter will also play - Bianca Bridgette Van Damme (Special building, Killer Games).
Tags: deathstalker, Kill 'Em All, Kill 'Em All 2, Bianca Bridgette Van Damme, Daniel Bernhard, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Death Stalker, Finish them all 2, Stephen Kostanski
The previous ones are the ones from Tiger Style Media?
Complete crap, not a movie. The previous two are much better.
Damn, that looks pretty good. I'll have to take note. Thanks.