Albert Pyun offered to direct AWOL remake

“The copyright holder approached me with a proposal to make a remake of AWOL with the participation of Van Damme,” - reported Albert Pyun on your Facebook page.

However, the director believes that there is no need to make a remake.

Albert Pyun: “I’m not sure if I’ll take it on because a film like this doesn’t need a remake. I think I would move the action from Los Angeles to Hong Kong, but I don't know for sure if it would suit my style of filming. I told the copyright holder that I would consider the proposal, and my response would depend on how the ZhKVD reacted to this idea. And will they allow me to film the remake the way I imagine it?”

Albert Pyun: “The distributor who made the offer has the rights to make a remake, but not the rights to make a sequel. I would only do a remake if I could bring something new to the table and if I had my own vision for the remake. I'll have to make a decision in the next few days. I’ll read the script with my wife and see if we can adjust it to my vision of the project. The fact is that the remake will be more like the film "Hard Times" with Charles Bronson. I think it’s more brutal and closer to reality, with MMA fights to boot. I believe that the remake will surpass the original, because ZhKVD, as an actor, has become much more experienced. Perhaps he will be the father and his real son/daughter will play the murder victim."


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    "I've decided that Sasha Mitchell will be a nice add as JCVD's sidekick / friend. It'd be amazing to see them together."

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    Thanks, added.

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    Comment from Pyun under the same post:
    "The distributor that offered it does have the remake rights and not the sequel rights. I would only do the remake if I could bring something new to it and if I can get a unique vision for it. I'll have to decide over the next few days. I'll read the screenplay and Cynthia [Pyun's wife] and I will see if we can adjust to my vision of it. The thing is, the remake would be much more like the Charles Bronson film, "Hard Times" . Gritty and more violent I think and it would add MMA style fighting. I think a remake would be better because JCVD ​​is a much more experienced actor. Maybe he will be a dad and his real life son or daughter would play the murdered victim. "

    would like to add to the news

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    Scott, please, DON'T EVEN THINK!!! =)

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    Why the hell? And even with Van Damme... For the sake of nostalgia?

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    Personally, I'm for it! And what? ZhKVD is still in shape, and I’d like to see MMA performed by him WITHOUT the splits! But there is more realism in fights. Although, it is possible to film it without Van Damme. But with a worthy brow!

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